Friday, January 16, 2009

Work vs Writing

I was having such a good run today during my lunch break that I considered not going back to my desk when my hour had run out. I was sitting in a lounge chair in our employee break room, making another editing pass at Chapter 4, trying to get the ending to progress more smoothly, and I was just making such pretty work of it that it was torture to close the lid on the laptop and go back upstairs. My supervisor is on vacation, so I doubt if anyone would have missed me for an extra 15 minutes, but I couldn't do that. I try to be a good employee, and I love my job. I really, really, really don't want to get fired for being a slacker. But if I did get fired, at least I'd have more time to write. It's just such a shame that I didn't have a story to write when I was unemployed for months on end in 2006-2007. But now that I think of it, I was attempting to write a novel then, too. I outlined the entire story, but barely got a chapter into it before giving up. It was just such a depressing tale that I couldn't bear to spend hour after hour inhabiting it.

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