Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Meeting

I was deeply surprised today by David and Claire's first meeting. I hadn't had them meeting in my outline for two more chapters, but they just fell in step with each other on the street today, coincidentally and of their own volition. They didn't speak to each other, but the internal musings of both are (I think) highly entertaining.

And in this chance meeting, I've also solved the problem of when/how Claire should allude to her past experiences. Also, I've solved Dr. Feigner's involvement in their relationship as well as what initially draws David to the cafe.

It's a beautiful thing, writing, when gorgeous coincidences flare up in your mind and all you have to do is record them. Unfortunately, I was at work (my day job) when this little event came upon me, and was consequently not at liberty to explore the interaction. I would have really liked to have just sat down and written it out right then. Bing bang boom. But it couldn't happen, so I settled for sketching out the bones and will be adding the shading tomorrow, which is my day off this week. Well, I'll be diligently writing until I go watch Barack Obama at The New Albanian Brewery, that is! Every writer needs a sympathetic and challenging atmosphere. Some have coffee shops. Some have local bookstores. I have my pub every Thursday night.

Tonight, though, I'm going to finish the first chapter of my new Cog Sci textbook and perhaps read some more in Emotional Intelligence. Tomorrow I'm putting my flow state theory into practice and am excited to learn what results I can manage. On the blog front, I've added a bookshelf to help me keep track of research titles, reference materials and whatnot.

And I may be adding some SeepeopleS to the playlists. I caught them live at a WFPK show on the Waterfront in Louisville, KY tonight and it seemed to be pretty great writing music. Up tempo, easy to ignore, but some lines really jolt you. They're very emo. Very good live. Not my usual acoustic fare, for sure, but good. Good in a Keane kind of way, who I first heard in my pub then went right home and downloaded copious amounts of.

Not that Keane is emo, but I think I rather like emo music, which is good because MarLo likes it, too, and I've yet to give her a playlist. I'll have to explore that preference right after I'm done downloading a bunch of Twi-Rock, which I have just discovered the existence of this very evening. Sigh. How am I ever supposed to get Project Reach written if I can't get my mind off of Twilight? I want my brain back! And as soon as the Twilight movie madness has passed, Grey's Anatomy will be back on the air and then I'll really never get any writing done. I've decided that watching The Big Bang Theory counts toward research, though!

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